How Not to Sex a Chicken
There are tons of old wives tales out there telling people how they can identify the genders of their chickens. Please don’t listen to these. The only credible ways to sex a chicken are those listed above. If someone tells you another “sure-fire” way to identify a chicken’s gender, it’s not going to be accurate. Some of these old wives tales include the following: The Shape of the Egg For decades, people have been saying that you can tell the gender of a chick before it ever hatches simply by looking at the shape of the egg. It’s believed by some that if an egg is round, that egg contains a female chick. Conversely, if the egg is narrow and pointed, it’s believed to hold a male chick. This is utter nonsense. The shape of an egg has literally nothing to do with the gender of the chick inside. Don’t fall for it. If you’re determining your chicks’ genders based on this, you’ll have just as much luck flipping a coin. Turning a Chick Upside Down Another false tale about de...